duminică, 26 ianuarie 2014

sneak peek

Hello everyone,

Lately I've been working to a new collection..well, actually two collections: ceramic love and gold collection, but I don't have time to photograph them.

You can see some of them below and if you like something you can tell me and I will give you more infos. The prices are between 20lei and 40lei  (5-10 euros)

I must go now, tomorow I have an exam and I'm pretty sure I must learn if I want to pass it.

Ralu Read more!

duminică, 12 ianuarie 2014

A perfect day

Hello dear readers,

I want to share with you a perfect day...the day that restablish all the things, in a good way.

Sometimes, I don't know if my place is here or if I've took a good decision to drop architecture for kindergarten and I might say that I have a fight with myself and my thoughts.
But I guess that this is a period that we have to pass through. Anyway I think that this had to happened years ago and today just enjoy the life and the youth, but we are living in a continuous transformation of life quality, moral values and so on..

So.. that day was a perfect day! Thanks to my husband, Raz!  We took a walk, a long walk. Raz almost every day is walking our dog and that day he force me to get up early and go walk all three of us.

It was like a fairyfail. I saw the hole world through  his eyes! The hole nature embraced me and my face had a mind of his own because I kept smiling all day.

Oh, I feel that I let so many days to pass by me and I didn't enjoy every minute of them!

In hope that I will take every second seriously,
love ralu Read more!