joi, 3 iulie 2014

summer came into my garden

Hello everybody,

It turned out that I am a garden person, yeeep!! My husband started to call me sa petite paysanne. 
But the happiness that give me the garden is unbelievable! I planted a seed, a little dry seed and kept my hopes up that something will happen and it did!  Oh, my dear Lord you are amazing! Every time I had a busy week with no time for my petite garden, God always, but always brought a rain and did the job instead of me.

I am thankful for every tomato, carrot, mint and everything that's growing each day!

I'm telling you, it's a time for everything and this is my time with ma petit jardin and I understand the miracle of life through it! it's a special feeling that I am convinced that each of us find it in something or someone. Here is my time with the earth, the life and the blessing of my dear God.

I took this pictures a week ago. Now, the tomatoes are redder :)