duminică, 28 decembrie 2014

The reason for ....

The reason for this long, long, looong holiday is that I am pregnant :)

I have left a small clue at the bottom of the blog page and then I run at the bathroom. I didn't open this blog until now and I can see where I put the pen down.

It was a beautiful summer day and my house was upside down because we had some heavy construction work to do. My little house was surrounded with scaffolding and I had no place to hide. Everywhere I was looking there were workers including at my bedroom window and bathroom.

Two days ago I swore two old ladys who where standing in the middle of the road with a grandchild or smth. and we had to drive beside them. In general, I am a very calm person so I told to my husband ,,Hani (to be read honey), I don't know what is wrong with me. I thing I'm pregnant!''

Back to the construsction/workers/no place to hide day... My beloved husband had to go to buy some stuff for the workers so I was all by myself in the house but surrounded from outside. And I had a splendid ideea!!!!! NOT

What if I pee on a stick? Really?? With all the people working/talking/standing outside?

(Belive me when I say that  a pregnant women's  mind is sooooooo messed up) So I pee on a stick,very relaxed because it wasn't the first time and I learned to have no expectations.

I waited a few seconds and I saw a light pink line and a pink line. Oh my GOD!!!! I founded that I am a mummy surrounded by workers, with a messed house and a messed up mind!!!

My instinct was to go outside and tell that strangers that I am pregnant and I don't care anymore about their complains and to fuck off because now I am a mummy and this is the only thing that matters! (I don't know if you are aware that workers are the most hard people to please...they are doing a great job but the building materials are not good enough and so on-I dont want to remember their complains)

I prepared a surprise for my husband and I was waiting him.

He parked the car, brought the stuff that he bought and bumped me in the front door

,,I have a surprise for you", I said

,,You are pregnant!''

,,Oh, you ruined my surprise!''

Every time he is doing this! He knows all the things. I can not make a surprise or have a juisy gossip because he already predicts it. ohhh!

And I said ,,I might be pregnant because I have a light pink line and a pink one'' Wait and see...