miercuri, 8 iulie 2015


Hey, we have 3 months! I said ''we'' because I am celebrating too. I have 3 months of mothering.
I've told you that I am a super mom :)

I barely remember the nights with no sleep, the beginning of  breastfeeding or the panic of first day home :)))))

Every day is a new journey, a new discover. We learn to smile, to put the hand in mouth, to roll, to 'talk', to wait and so on.

First 2 months (more specific 6 weeks) I was asking myself ,, where is the joy because  I'm feeling only pain and stress and just a little bit of joy"
But now everything seems to be so easy (just seems to be, because in reality it is still hard but I guess you manage somehow to face fear, stress and other things you live)

Every day is a gift! Every day I touch the Heaven through my son and his laugh!

I would wright more and share my experience with you, but I have to go back to my ,,schnucki'' but you can see all the miracle through  pictures :) Read more!

joi, 21 mai 2015

How it is to be...

Six weeks ago I was standing in a hospital bed and holding in my arms something soft, small with big eyes. Now it's the same. The only thing that is changed is the hospital, the bed and my spirit. I'm not going to share my experience of birth with you but I can tell that you never know what to expect when you're expecting.

Did you know that babies create addiction? I would stay all day holding the baby, kissing and feeding him and watch all the moves, all that funny faces...oh, such a bless.

But not every day is like this. Sometimes I am sooo tired and I would like just 5 minutes just for me. Sometimes it's overwhelming that a tinny little human is depending on you and no matter who is neer by him, he wants you, his mother.
But the mother is in the same time a wife, a housekeeper, a grandmother for 11 puppies, a gardner and God knows what else.

How it is to be all that stuff?? Hard.....but in the same time I realise that I am blessed to have all this, to have a husband, a house, a garden, a few dogs and so on.

Thanks God that he gave us tears so I can cry and eliberate some of the hormones (I don't know if is medicaly correct what I've said, but you know what I mean )

Until next time, (when my baby sleeps well)
yours humble and tired new mom Read more!

luni, 2 martie 2015

hello spring, goodbye winter

I'm getting bigger every day!!! Every second!!! My belly is huge and I'd rather roll than walk =))

I'd like to share with you all the things I'm going through because the pregnancy it's a true miracle but is something that is keeping me away from writing, I don't know what, but it's there.

I hope I will pass through this soon and I will be able to write some stuff about this period of my life.

I can say that my whole life is changing. I am changing: my body, my thoughts, my priorities...but in a good way, except my body  :)

Now, that spring is coming, my son will come soon and I just can't wait to hold him and see that little red/ violet face and those little eyes looking at me and recognise that I am his mother. Oh, such a feeling!!!

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