luni, 2 martie 2015

hello spring, goodbye winter

I'm getting bigger every day!!! Every second!!! My belly is huge and I'd rather roll than walk =))

I'd like to share with you all the things I'm going through because the pregnancy it's a true miracle but is something that is keeping me away from writing, I don't know what, but it's there.

I hope I will pass through this soon and I will be able to write some stuff about this period of my life.

I can say that my whole life is changing. I am changing: my body, my thoughts, my priorities...but in a good way, except my body  :)

Now, that spring is coming, my son will come soon and I just can't wait to hold him and see that little red/ violet face and those little eyes looking at me and recognise that I am his mother. Oh, such a feeling!!!

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