miercuri, 8 iulie 2015


Hey, we have 3 months! I said ''we'' because I am celebrating too. I have 3 months of mothering.
I've told you that I am a super mom :)

I barely remember the nights with no sleep, the beginning of  breastfeeding or the panic of first day home :)))))

Every day is a new journey, a new discover. We learn to smile, to put the hand in mouth, to roll, to 'talk', to wait and so on.

First 2 months (more specific 6 weeks) I was asking myself ,, where is the joy because  I'm feeling only pain and stress and just a little bit of joy"
But now everything seems to be so easy (just seems to be, because in reality it is still hard but I guess you manage somehow to face fear, stress and other things you live)

Every day is a gift! Every day I touch the Heaven through my son and his laugh!

I would wright more and share my experience with you, but I have to go back to my ,,schnucki'' but you can see all the miracle through  pictures :) Read more!