miercuri, 8 iulie 2015


Hey, we have 3 months! I said ''we'' because I am celebrating too. I have 3 months of mothering.
I've told you that I am a super mom :)

I barely remember the nights with no sleep, the beginning of  breastfeeding or the panic of first day home :)))))

Every day is a new journey, a new discover. We learn to smile, to put the hand in mouth, to roll, to 'talk', to wait and so on.

First 2 months (more specific 6 weeks) I was asking myself ,, where is the joy because  I'm feeling only pain and stress and just a little bit of joy"
But now everything seems to be so easy (just seems to be, because in reality it is still hard but I guess you manage somehow to face fear, stress and other things you live)

Every day is a gift! Every day I touch the Heaven through my son and his laugh!

I would wright more and share my experience with you, but I have to go back to my ,,schnucki'' but you can see all the miracle through  pictures :) Read more!

joi, 21 mai 2015

How it is to be...

Six weeks ago I was standing in a hospital bed and holding in my arms something soft, small with big eyes. Now it's the same. The only thing that is changed is the hospital, the bed and my spirit. I'm not going to share my experience of birth with you but I can tell that you never know what to expect when you're expecting.

Did you know that babies create addiction? I would stay all day holding the baby, kissing and feeding him and watch all the moves, all that funny faces...oh, such a bless.

But not every day is like this. Sometimes I am sooo tired and I would like just 5 minutes just for me. Sometimes it's overwhelming that a tinny little human is depending on you and no matter who is neer by him, he wants you, his mother.
But the mother is in the same time a wife, a housekeeper, a grandmother for 11 puppies, a gardner and God knows what else.

How it is to be all that stuff?? Hard.....but in the same time I realise that I am blessed to have all this, to have a husband, a house, a garden, a few dogs and so on.

Thanks God that he gave us tears so I can cry and eliberate some of the hormones (I don't know if is medicaly correct what I've said, but you know what I mean )

Until next time, (when my baby sleeps well)
yours humble and tired new mom Read more!

luni, 2 martie 2015

hello spring, goodbye winter

I'm getting bigger every day!!! Every second!!! My belly is huge and I'd rather roll than walk =))

I'd like to share with you all the things I'm going through because the pregnancy it's a true miracle but is something that is keeping me away from writing, I don't know what, but it's there.

I hope I will pass through this soon and I will be able to write some stuff about this period of my life.

I can say that my whole life is changing. I am changing: my body, my thoughts, my priorities...but in a good way, except my body  :)

Now, that spring is coming, my son will come soon and I just can't wait to hold him and see that little red/ violet face and those little eyes looking at me and recognise that I am his mother. Oh, such a feeling!!!

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duminică, 28 decembrie 2014

The reason for ....

The reason for this long, long, looong holiday is that I am pregnant :)

I have left a small clue at the bottom of the blog page and then I run at the bathroom. I didn't open this blog until now and I can see where I put the pen down.

It was a beautiful summer day and my house was upside down because we had some heavy construction work to do. My little house was surrounded with scaffolding and I had no place to hide. Everywhere I was looking there were workers including at my bedroom window and bathroom.

Two days ago I swore two old ladys who where standing in the middle of the road with a grandchild or smth. and we had to drive beside them. In general, I am a very calm person so I told to my husband ,,Hani (to be read honey), I don't know what is wrong with me. I thing I'm pregnant!''

Back to the construsction/workers/no place to hide day... My beloved husband had to go to buy some stuff for the workers so I was all by myself in the house but surrounded from outside. And I had a splendid ideea!!!!! NOT

What if I pee on a stick? Really?? With all the people working/talking/standing outside?

(Belive me when I say that  a pregnant women's  mind is sooooooo messed up) So I pee on a stick,very relaxed because it wasn't the first time and I learned to have no expectations.

I waited a few seconds and I saw a light pink line and a pink line. Oh my GOD!!!! I founded that I am a mummy surrounded by workers, with a messed house and a messed up mind!!!

My instinct was to go outside and tell that strangers that I am pregnant and I don't care anymore about their complains and to fuck off because now I am a mummy and this is the only thing that matters! (I don't know if you are aware that workers are the most hard people to please...they are doing a great job but the building materials are not good enough and so on-I dont want to remember their complains)

I prepared a surprise for my husband and I was waiting him.

He parked the car, brought the stuff that he bought and bumped me in the front door

,,I have a surprise for you", I said

,,You are pregnant!''

,,Oh, you ruined my surprise!''

Every time he is doing this! He knows all the things. I can not make a surprise or have a juisy gossip because he already predicts it. ohhh!

And I said ,,I might be pregnant because I have a light pink line and a pink one'' Wait and see...

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joi, 3 iulie 2014

summer came into my garden

Hello everybody,

It turned out that I am a garden person, yeeep!! My husband started to call me sa petite paysanne. 
But the happiness that give me the garden is unbelievable! I planted a seed, a little dry seed and kept my hopes up that something will happen and it did!  Oh, my dear Lord you are amazing! Every time I had a busy week with no time for my petite garden, God always, but always brought a rain and did the job instead of me.

I am thankful for every tomato, carrot, mint and everything that's growing each day!

I'm telling you, it's a time for everything and this is my time with ma petit jardin and I understand the miracle of life through it! it's a special feeling that I am convinced that each of us find it in something or someone. Here is my time with the earth, the life and the blessing of my dear God.

I took this pictures a week ago. Now, the tomatoes are redder :)

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joi, 22 mai 2014

new puppy

hello everyone!

You might say that I'm crazy, but I have a new puppy. It's a he and he's a labrador. I  found an announce on internet with this dog  and I want to see it with no real intentions to take it but everything was about to change when I touched  his soft fur and felt his puppy smell. And when he saw me, he came to me and licked my hand and was love at the first tongue :)

But I'm not sure what his name should be. Pleeeeease help me. The owner told me that his name is Arafat....???? I don't want to name him like this

Please write a comment below or on facebook and help me to find a proper name

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duminică, 4 mai 2014

it is time for a new label

I decided to reinvent myself and I have tons of ideas, but no time and energy to apply them. But this weekend, because it was a rainy day and I couldn't work in the garden (even if I have a lot to do), I manage to do some pretty things, I guess.

I finally have liquid gold 18k and I try different tehniques to preserv the shine of gold but so far I'm not 100% happy with what I've got...

I also try to make a new logo and I was carried away by the easyness of technology and I end up with 20 options but the ones I like the most are:

In essence they are all the same :) And that's why I will use them however my mood tells me :))
I can not wait for the first order to go with this cute little labels. Oh wait, monday I have to send some stuff. yeey! go wrapping!

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