vineri, 9 noiembrie 2012

pimp my mirror

Today was such a day!! of course it was! it's Friday :)

 I woke up in the morning and I prepare myself for school, but outside was cold and dark and the bed cried not to leave him alone. Just when I had to open the door and leave, my heart couldn't let me go and I went straight to bed again :)

As you know it, we are a young married couple and we don't have much financial resources to invest in everything we want to change,so we have to be creative.

We have an oval mirror that don't has any frame  and it is a little bit ugly and today I decided that I have to do something about it.

here are the steps to DIY it

follow the steps and don't panic if something goes wrong

in case you missed it, here's the link for rectangular mirror

have a creative weekend :)