sâmbătă, 16 martie 2013

stressed spelled backwards is...

.... :)

yes, good readers, STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS , but you know that sugar takes all your energy in the end, sooo you can try more healthy methods for these desserts. 

Actually, you don't need sugar. All you need is LOVE :)
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vineri, 8 martie 2013

make your own pillow

Hi everyone! 
I made a pillow tutorial and I had a lot of fun doing it. I hope you'll enjoy it and try it very soon. 
You remember the tote tutorial, don't you?  If your answer is negative here is the link. At begging some steps are the same.

so, let's begin!
fridays inspiration, friday inspiration, bow, pillow, tutorial, whimsical, bad, fridaysinspiration.com

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