sâmbătă, 16 martie 2013

stressed spelled backwards is...

.... :)

yes, good readers, STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS , but you know that sugar takes all your energy in the end, sooo you can try more healthy methods for these desserts. 

Actually, you don't need sugar. All you need is LOVE :)

I'm not saying that the ones I pictured here are included in this category, but the internet is full of healthy alternatives :)

I pass through a period full of events that requires me and my thoughts and myself, but I do not have that kind of energy right now because, like every spring, I get a very nasty cold and it's not  one thing that I'm talking about, there are mooore going around.

But with the help of God and all his Saints that save me all the time no matter what I get into, I hope will pass this period too.

you remember the pictures above or you can click here and here

If you pass through a similar period, I know you have a secret magic wand that you use and all things are where they belong to.  Just have faith :)
