vineri, 17 mai 2013

pimp my pillow

Hello again!

you remember this, don't you?

The spring is here and now is time to change all that flat pillows that are standing in the corner of your sofa and have some with more personality!

Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell you to throw them out!(yet :)) Today I'll give you some tips on how can you improve your pillows with a minor effort and a few bucks.

So let's have fun :)

what do you need

fridays inspiration,friday inspiration, diy, pillow, pimp my pillow, tutorial, inspiration,sew lesson,
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-an old pillow(or do one-I did mine in a half an hour-it's very simple, trust me, I an not a sewing expert and I pull it together so if I could do it, You can do it, just try and make mistakes and do it again and again , just don't lose your enthusiasm)

then you'll need:

Cut a piece of fabric:  length--> it should have with 5 cm more than the length of your old pillow
                                 width --> 1/2  or 1/3 of  the width of your old pillow

Depends of your material, it might be necessary a hem on the length(mine was ok without one) and you have to saw the width of your fabric to the old pillow.

It should look like this

Now let the magic begin!

do something that I call a fabric ring, just like in  the image below

mine is 4x8 cm, depends on your piece of fabric cut earlier and just use it like I did

and now you can enjoy your free time

This is a cute bow! :)

Thank you for stopping by! See you next time, until then DON'T FORGET TO DREAM!

ralu Read more!

sâmbătă, 11 mai 2013

visiting my hometown

Christ is Risen!

Last Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection of Christ and like the majority of students/ young families, I went to my hometown where time stopped. All is the same, the people, the relations between them, the city, the nature, the city spirit.

What I like when I go home is that I remember about myself in highschool and it was a period of revelations for me and I can not forget it.

I like to share with you some photos that I took this year.( I use my father's camera, sry for the date appearance)

 Delicate dandelion! Make a wish!

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