sâmbătă, 11 mai 2013

visiting my hometown

Christ is Risen!

Last Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection of Christ and like the majority of students/ young families, I went to my hometown where time stopped. All is the same, the people, the relations between them, the city, the nature, the city spirit.

What I like when I go home is that I remember about myself in highschool and it was a period of revelations for me and I can not forget it.

I like to share with you some photos that I took this year.( I use my father's camera, sry for the date appearance)

 Delicate dandelion! Make a wish!

 strawberries!!!!! my favourite
 ..and cherries

I hope you spend a peaceful Easter with your familly!

I almost forgot! I made new things that are wainting to be revealed. I photograph just one. you can see it here.
