duminică, 1 septembrie 2013

frozen the summer

Hello there,

It's just me or you have the same feeling that this summer was a short one? I had a lots of headaches with all the moving part, even now I have stuff in bags and a room full of things that I didn't find a place to put them. I have space but I don't have time and energy to close this deal.
Anyway, I wanted to freeze the summer just a few moments and embrace it and enjoying it and I had an idea. Let's taste the summer! I made a delicious ice cream that made me scream ,,I can taste you, summer'' :)

You can find a lots of recipes on internet, on food blogs and that's why I didn't put any description to it.

You can find a lots of recipes on internet, on food blogs and that's why I didn't put any description to it. 
For this ice cream I used cranberries and raspberry but you can put anything that you want. I saw a recipe with apples or peaches so use your imagination and taste the summer!!