vineri, 28 decembrie 2012

thank you

hello there! I hope you had a peaceful Christmas and your hearts are full of joy!!!

I'd like to thank you for the support you show me...yes you, you my dear friend with whom I share all the things that make me smile, cry, dream, love... 
This perioad of time, I usually make lists with all important things that happened that year, but this year I'll make a list with all the things that I am thankful for.

see you next year with more inspirational tutorials :)

and Happy New Year!!!

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joi, 20 decembrie 2012

christmas spirit

I didn't go anywhere, but I was kind of busy lately. I had to take care of the children; no,no not my children, because I don't have any yet, but I have 32 children at kindergarten :)  I am kindergarten teacher :) not the maid one but the secondary  teacher.

The kids are soooo sweet! and it's a funny felling because they need all your attention and they take all your energy, but somehow they fill you with another kind of feelings and you go smiling on the way back home even if you barley stay on your feet.

we had a Christmas event and we all dressed romanian traditional  costumes. Oooo your heart melted down  just to see them and they sang carols ...such a magical moment

but today my intention was to show you how can decorate your home for  Christmas.

This items are handmade and you can buy them from me, or ask for some tips if you want to make them yourself  :)

see you soon  :)

ralu Read more!

miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012

bless you

achoo!!! yes, I got a nasty cold and my dear husband took care of me. I stud in bed for 4 days, but yesterday I felt that I m healthy and I cooked something while Raz was working(or smth, but was not around)

I made him a surprise. I backed some muffins!!! I felt like a chef doing this CEF dessert <cheap, easy,  fast =))

But I had to do something new. Is not enough to do something normal, because it expected, I had to add some twist to it, so I had an idea. I made some printable things that I use like little labels. You will see in the pictures.

You think I don't know that is not a big thing...well...I know it, but this way my way telling my husband that I am sooo thankful that I have someone to take care of me and say nice things, make me laugh and make me feel beautiful even if I have a black circle around my eyes, and I snore and I have dry lips and...(you will forget last things that I sad about me when you will close the page :)) ).

Anyway, I am thankful about everything and this is how I know to show it!

thank you!

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miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012

inventing & reinventing part2

as I promised you, here is the second recipe

hope you'll enjoy it :)

(I don't like soy or spinach, but this combination I think that is like math - with - is +, because I ate it)


petit chef Raluca :) Read more!

luni, 19 noiembrie 2012

inventing & reinventing part 1 reinventing food :)

because I don't know what can I cook this period of time when we eat veggies, I started to reinvent the recipes that I saw, tried, invented :)

The hard and beautiful part was that I had some guests, including a little, sweet, melting heart baby :)
I charge my batteries with a good portion of laughter, good mood and upside down house. My lovely husband was  hypnotise. he couldn't believe his eyes how much disaster a little man can do :) I don't know how will react when we'll have little, loud, messy, babie...s :))

here are my recipes (kind of recipes)

tomorrow part 2 because now I'm hungry :)) Read more!

vineri, 16 noiembrie 2012

fairytale feeling

because the winter it's about to come, I  picked some sunshine and put it into a bottle; in a moment all transformed into wish dust.

you can do it yourself or you can buy it from me :)
for details please leave me a message

pretul unui lantisor e 35 lei. Daca vreti sa il faci cadou (tie sau altei persoane dragi :)), el vine impachetat intr-o cutiuta draguta pe care nu am apucat sa o pozez :D Read more!

duminică, 11 noiembrie 2012

how to wear...

because I was asked several times how do you wear a collar, I thought that this might be helpful. I am not an expert because I don't do styling or fashion_ at least not yet _I have many things to learn, BUT I'll try my best :)

here is my proposal :)
                                                            you can find this collar here

you can find the collar here

I hope this was useful. have a sunny autumn :)

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vineri, 9 noiembrie 2012

pimp my mirror

Today was such a day!! of course it was! it's Friday :)

 I woke up in the morning and I prepare myself for school, but outside was cold and dark and the bed cried not to leave him alone. Just when I had to open the door and leave, my heart couldn't let me go and I went straight to bed again :)

As you know it, we are a young married couple and we don't have much financial resources to invest in everything we want to change,so we have to be creative.

We have an oval mirror that don't has any frame  and it is a little bit ugly and today I decided that I have to do something about it.

here are the steps to DIY it

follow the steps and don't panic if something goes wrong

in case you missed it, here's the link for rectangular mirror

have a creative weekend :)

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miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2012

collar with a twist part 2

hello there! as I promised, here we have part 2.

some details about the collar

_it's made from polycarb plastic bended under heat. Is a delicate process and you should take care not to overheat the plastic or force it because you don't want to break it.  and I used some bronze link and chain.

I made some twists with this collars . you can choose any type you want and you can mix how you want this little bronze thing to look like :) I have owls, squares, leaves. enjoy it!!

if you want to order please contact me at or facebook:  friday  inspiration

pretul unui accesoriu este de 45 lei indiferent de cate aplicatii metalice doriti, iar transportul este gratuit :)
ma puteti contacta la        fb: friday inspiration

have a fun shopping !!!
love, ralu Read more!

luni, 5 noiembrie 2012

collar with a twist part1

I manage somehow to put this collection together. I must say that I have more ideeas for it, but everytime I want to work on it other things come first. But this I have so far and I want to share it with you. please enjoy it :)

some details about the collar:

metal _it's made from copper, bronze and metal gun chain

policarb_it's made from polycarb plastic bended under heat. Is a delicate process and you should take care not to overheat the plastic or force it because you don't want to break it.

the price of one collar is 10 $

pretul unui lantisor e de 45 lei (transportul este gratuit). pentru comenzi va rog lasati un mesaj mai jos, pe mail sau pe facebook: friday inspiration.

have a fun shopping!!
see u for part 2 :)

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miercuri, 31 octombrie 2012

15 minutes costume 15 minutes post :)

as you can see I'm in a big hurry soooo here we go. if you don't have a costume and you don't have much time to put one together then this is for you :)
I am sure that you have a  red tablecloth somewhere around and this is an emergency so you can use it and never put it back.  I show you how you can make a Little Red Riding Hood cape.

i'm sorry for the rush. hope see you soon with plenty of time :) Read more!

luni, 22 octombrie 2012

knock knock

who's there?
Ive who?
I've  taken a break

I apologise my absence but I had a rough time and I decided to take a break. Well,I took a break from blogging because I did some great stuff and 2 of my dreams came true :) they are small dreams but for me are important and for this I have to thank my husband: thanks,honey, for all your love and kindness. 
I can not show you the stuff that I made(maybe soon in another post) but I will show you the stuff that I received :)

this is a box and some labels that I made for packing 

I'm sorry for the quality of the pictures, next time I'll try my best :)
until next time, I hope you will enjoy this beautiful, sunny autumn!!!!

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joi, 11 octombrie 2012

peter pan collar

guler 29 lei, pentru mai multe informatii sau fb friday inspiration

I made these cute collars with a little (a lot, actually) help from my mother. She knows better how to sew,  I am just a beginner but with a lots of mistakes and baby steps I hope one day I will be a great designer :) no one stop us to dream, just ourselves.

the price for one of collars is 8$ shipping not included

Sooo I picked some special printed fabric for front, another fabric for back, I made a pattern and I sew. and this is the result :) I hope you'll enjoy it. 

If you want to do this yourself just leave a comm, or a private message and I will make a post how to do a collar, just ask for it :)

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miercuri, 3 octombrie 2012

diy notebook

 I had a beautiful textile that was just 8 x 23 inches and I had to use it wisely. I needed a notebook too so I scrap a handmade notebook.
here you can follow the steps(I made some mistakes too, but I will explain so you don't repeat them)

if you have any questions, suggestions please leave a comm :)

free pattern right here

DO IT YOURSELF! Read more!

sâmbătă, 29 septembrie 2012

friday inspiration shop

Today I open my pettit shop :) with home decoration. soon we have cute handmade stuff :)
I am soooo soooo happy about this. it's an important and huge day for me because I finally had the courage to do this and I have the support of my lovely husband. I guess I expected so much time just to have his support. thanx honey :)

you can order or ask more information at, fb friday inspiration or leave a comment here.

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joi, 27 septembrie 2012

1 year 1 month 1 week

Today, Raz and I, we have the anniversary of our wedding. we reached together 1 year 1 month and 1 week. yeey for the love :)  and today he manage to come home for a week. yeeey for that too :). I use a lots of smiley face because I am sooo sooo happy.

oki, how I told you in the past post I had to do something to celebrate he's arrival, but yesterday I wasn't at home most of the day  and when I finally arrived at home, I was very tired.  I try to do something nice. I cleaned the house, I let thing the way my husband like, but I didn't put the things together  the way Raz does. without him I am not complete. and that's the marriage about. complete one another and love the other one beause together you can reach perfection( in romanian we have another word for that but I don't know the equivalent word for it. we call it desavarsire).

As you can see in the pictures, I didn't have much time to prepare something more sophisticated than this, but I wrote a love note and that was my salvation :)
In the last photo it's an  attempt to do something ridiculously cute, but didn't turn out that well.  I broke two light bulbs and now we don't have any light in the bedroom(my husband doesn't know that yet because he just arrived at home this morning and I don't plan to tell him soon, I can wait until it get dark outside ouups) 

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