joi, 27 septembrie 2012

1 year 1 month 1 week

Today, Raz and I, we have the anniversary of our wedding. we reached together 1 year 1 month and 1 week. yeey for the love :)  and today he manage to come home for a week. yeeey for that too :). I use a lots of smiley face because I am sooo sooo happy.

oki, how I told you in the past post I had to do something to celebrate he's arrival, but yesterday I wasn't at home most of the day  and when I finally arrived at home, I was very tired.  I try to do something nice. I cleaned the house, I let thing the way my husband like, but I didn't put the things together  the way Raz does. without him I am not complete. and that's the marriage about. complete one another and love the other one beause together you can reach perfection( in romanian we have another word for that but I don't know the equivalent word for it. we call it desavarsire).

As you can see in the pictures, I didn't have much time to prepare something more sophisticated than this, but I wrote a love note and that was my salvation :)
In the last photo it's an  attempt to do something ridiculously cute, but didn't turn out that well.  I broke two light bulbs and now we don't have any light in the bedroom(my husband doesn't know that yet because he just arrived at home this morning and I don't plan to tell him soon, I can wait until it get dark outside ouups)